2018년 2월 27일 화요일

Thirty Things About Me

30 things about me

1.      I hate sushi. I hate green tea. I don't drink coffee. I don't like 'hoe'(raw fish). I don't like burgers. I don't like Ssamjang. These are things that other people usually like, but I just can't stand them. 

2.      I grew up with my grandparents because my mom married very young and she had to complete her college. So until I was seven, I lived in my grandmother’s house. She is the person that influenced me the most. I think this is why I almost always cry when I visit them.
3.      I like looking at people's eyes. Everyone has their stories in their eyes. It really helps me when I need/want to help others struggling with something.

4.     I LOVE watching sports. I do play sports (basketball) but watching is more fun. The older I get the lazier I become. But ironically I am the team captain of the girls’ basketball team for this semester.

5.     The word that makes me feel very hesitant is the word ‘favorite’. I am very bad will picking which is my favorite. The question that really irritates me is "Give three examples of your happiest moments." I'm not sure if others friends are gooding at judging or ranking their happy moments, but I am clearly not. If I was happy and I enjoyed the moment, it just ends there. This reflects my simplicity. 

6. As #5 says, I am VERY simple. I don't like complicated things. 

7. I sometimes worry a lot about petty things but now I really try not to. If worrying is going help, then it probably isn't much of an issue. If worrying doesn't help, there is also no need to worry more because it is not going to change anything. How simple. This has made my life much easier. I have seen so many people torturing themselves needlessly. Worrying too much can lead to hating yourself, which will definitely over stress yourself. 

8. I'm a member of the mock trial club but ironically I usually don't enjoy talking in front of people. Mock trial improved my speaking skills, but I've still got a long way to go. Even until now, I simply can't let go of the club's activities; I find myself involved with the club very frequently 

9. I am also a member of Ongdalsam. It's one of my favorite clubs and when someone talks bad about it, I get kinda pissed and a bit emotional. I try not to but sometimes I can't help it. 

10. I changed my major countless times. And even now, as a senior, I am still not sure of my major. I do have a subject that I want to major at this moment, but when I get to college the thoughts might and probably will change. 

11. I love sleeping but I don't like sleeping early. I like sleeping and waking up late. 

12. I really don't spend money on anything. Very thrifty. My laptop is literally falling apart but I used duct tape to fix it. (I'm using this piece of trash for months after it became trash) If I saved all the money that others would've spent on shopping clothes or accessories, I would've already had a car. Instead of spending money on those little things, I plan to save a lot of money and buy something big: like a car or a house of my own. 

13. I am picky about food. People say that my appetite is like that of an elementary kid. I don't like the 'disgusting' parts of animals like gop-chang or chicken feet. I have many episodes about this; believe it or not I hated eating when I was young. Once, I put duct tape around the fridge. 

14. I am not that stressed with college results. Maybe because it is only February and even the APs are more than two months away. (Now it's March and I am VERY concerned about my APs..)

15. I have been in a magazine when I was around nine. People came to our house and put new and pretty furniture for free and instead took pictures of me playing on the sofa etc. I hope no one ever finds it. 

16. I admire people who love studying things that are abstract, such as philosophy and literature. I've always had a hard time on such things. 

17. I love planes. The moment of receiving tickets makes my heart pit a pat every time. 

18. Because it's the Olympic season, I should talk about it. I just love Olympics. I like the winter ones better than the summer. Short track speed skating is my favorite. This I can say for sure: short track is definitely my favorite. My favorite athletes are Shim Sukhee and Hwang Daeheon. My dream is to become the founder of a company for athletes, especially supporting athletes of unpopular sports. 

19. I never learned science until I came to this school. SAT biology in the first semester really tortured me. 

20. I like the color black. I think it is the most handsome color on Earth. 

21. I like memorizing other people's birthdays. You tell me once and I usually don't forget. 

22. I like noodles, all sorts of noodles. 

23. I have been a victim of racial discrimination. 
When I went to the States at the age of 10, someone in school called me and when I looked at him, he used both fingers to stretch his eyes, mocking my Asian looks. I was only ten and since no one in Korea said that I had small eyes this came as a great shock to me. Because of this incident, I try my best to stay alert and sensitive to racial discrimination issues, especially in Korea because a lot of foreign workers still get so many looks in public spaces. 

24. When I was young, I used to take pieces of trash from the recycling bin and make things out of them. I always made my toys myself so my mom didn't really have to buy actual toys for me. Empty boxes became a camera and broken hangers became the bones of my own doll. 

25.  I have a younger sibling, but we are not that close. I don’t think she likes me. 

26. I've never said this to anyone but I contact with a homeless friend that I met at the subway station. A couple years ago, when I was waiting in line for the next subway, a boy around my age was walking around, asking people about directions. But because of his looks(messy, untidy clothes and not-Korean looks) no one seemed to be kind enough to help him out. I couldn't help him because it was also my first time at that subway station but I tried to get some maps and take him to the information desk. And for some weird reason, I received his kakaotalk ID. If you ask me why or how, I don't remember. After that day, I sometimes get in touch with him(he speaks broken Korean).  I'm also the person that gave him his Korean name because he didn't have one yet.

27. I am very proud to say that during Korean holidays, the men in our family especially my grandfather is one of the most engaging in cooking, cleaning up, and preparing for the 제사(ancestral rites). My dad didn't really do anything during holidays but after I told him to please get up and move, the workload between my dad and mom is quite evenly distributed. 

28. My favorite romance movie was About Time. This made me watch almost all movies that Rachel McAdams starred in. 
Image result for about time

29. Last year I had 110 penalty points. But I had about 60 reward points. So by the end of the year, it was a 57 and I didn't go to the special training for 60 points. I shouldn't be, but I was really proud of myself. 
30. This is a bit TMI but my favorite car is the Jaguar XF. I AM GOING TO GET THAT CAR SOMEDAY, NO MATTER WHAT. 

Thirty Things About Me

30 things about me 1.       I hate sushi. I hate green tea. I don't drink coffee. I don't like 'hoe'(raw fish). I don&...